Logicbroker is a leading provider of supply chain experience management solutions. Their comprehensive platform offers a range of tools and services designed to enhance customer experience and drive revenue growth. With drop ship, marketplace, and supply chain visibility solutions, Logicbroker helps businesses streamline their operations and improve overall efficiency. The company's platform caters to IT leaders responsible for managing automated drop ship and marketplace programs. Logicbroker enables seamless integrations, ensuring smooth data exchange and communication between retailers, marketplaces, and NetSuite. By adopting an API-led approach to electronic data interchange (EDI), Logicbroker empowers brands to achieve complete automation and maximize operational potential. Logicbroker's services are utilized by various industries, including home decor companies, suppliers, and retailers. The company has garnered recognition for simplifying EDI processes, enabling efficient import of EDI orders, and enhancing overall workflow. With their commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, Logicbroker continues to be a trusted partner in driving supply chain optimization.
Solution Categories

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Software
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) software is a digital tool designed to facilitate the exchange of ...