Become a Better Salesperson with these 7 Habits


Insights for ProfessionalsThe latest thought leadership for Management pros

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Salespeople can always improve and become more effective in their roles. But what habits should you try to introduce to your working day?

Article 3 Minutes
Become a Better Salesperson with these 7 Habits

Sales can be a competitive environment to work in, with everyone wanting to close more deals than the person next to them. So it's important that you are always looking for ways to improve your techniques and ways you can engage with customers.

Here are seven habits that will make you a better and more effective salesperson:

Make a good first impression

The old adage goes that you can never take back a first impression, and this is even truer in sales. Some customers may be polite and wait for you to finish speaking before cutting you off, while others will slam the phone down on you straight away. Either way, you're not going to have much chance of making a sale. Really make sure you are prepared for each call, pitch or briefing; know as much information as you can about the customer before you start talking. These small details can make all the difference.

Know your buyer persona

Having a good idea of the personas that will buy your product or service can save you a lot of time, as well as making sure you close more deals. You should know the warning signs to look out for that show a lead is very unlikely to purchase, this allows you to ask the right questions and determine whether or not to move on.

Keep commitments

There's an element of trust in every sale so it's important you do everything you can to instill it in your customers. If you want to be a more effective salesperson, you need to stick to your word and keep any commitments you make.

Be happy to hear complaints

It's easy to get defensive when someone starts criticizing you or the product you're selling, but you can't take it to heart. You need to find out the reasons behind their issues and do your best to resolve them. Problems with previous products or customer experience can kill a potential deal, but being the person that fixes it can earn you trust and loyalty.

Know your product inside and out

You're unlikely to have much success in sales if a customer asks you a question about the product and you can't answer it, and asking them to wait can sour a potentially good relationship. If a lead asks you something and you can't resolve it, make sure you find out the answer to save the day next time.

Take notes

With so many things going through your head after a successful conversation with a customer, you're likely to forget some of the key details. Make short but accurate notes during the call or meeting and then expand on them as soon as you get the chance. This will give you the details you need to follow-up the conversation and close the deal.

Hold yourself responsible

You need to take responsibility over your actions and, more importantly, your failures. This will allow you to learn from your mistakes and make improvements for future interactions. Salespeople won't get very far if they spend all their time blaming others or looking for excuses. Take responsibility and then take action to resolve it.

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