How to Increase Customer Engagement with Video


Nida AsadWriter

Friday, April 12, 2019

Video marketing has become a crucial tool for marketers looking to boost brand awareness, reach new audiences and better engage with their customers. But far too many marketers aren't utilizing this technique in the way they should.

Article 6 Minutes
How to Increase Customer Engagement with Video

With the world becoming digitized in recent years, the trends and techniques of marketing have also evolved. The notion of content marketing is often correlated with search engine optimization but video has the potential to power this and provide you with higher search engine rankings.

The need to boost user engagement increased after the emergence of social media sites but these platforms are constantly transforming. When Facebook changed its algorithm in 2018, it became difficult for online businesses and marketers to acquire an organic outreach. Therefore, if your goal is to improve customer engagement, then video marketing could be the answer.

The positive impact of video marketing on customer engagement

The overnight popularity of video marketing has encouraged over 72% of B2B marketers to rely solely on video. This percentage demonstrates how video is generating positive and impactful results. This has forced marketers, brands and businesses to incorporate videos in their social media strategy, as visual content on social has played a visible role in the past when improving customer engagement and user retention rates.

This has given businesses the opportunity to rely more on video marketing campaigns. However, new startups and businesses are still reluctant in adding this marketing technique to their branding and advertising strategies, as they believe it could lead to further risks and adversities in user engagement.

In reality, that isn’t the case. If you intend to create purposeful customer engagement then adding video to your marketing strategy should be your main priority.

Video provides you with ease of access

The simplistic nature of video content has made business outreach on a global scale possible. Accessibility and reachability matters; without it you can’t extend your voice to your consumers.

It’s a source of entertainment

Whether it’s a live action movie or an animation, videos have always been entertaining to watch. What makes the idea of utilizing video marketing so convincing is that it can be customized according to the message you intend to convey.

Video tends to improve customer engagement

If your customers can’t view what your brand has to offer, then you lose purpose. For that reason, you need to interact with consumers through the right video marketing tactics.

It’s optimized for social media

Despite the ever-changing trends of digital marketing, video has become a vital part of digital promotions. With a higher chance of going viral and increasing consumer traffic, social media platforms have the potential to let you build your brand’s identity. 

3 popular types of video marketing

The use of video isn’t limited to a specific domain, instead it’s widespread among various companies and brand. And each company relies on video content in a different way. Some need it for TV commercials while others need it to educate viewers about a certain product or service.

1. TV adverts and commercials

Television has always been the utmost choice for getting a message across to an audience. The emergence of TV commercials has proven successful in branding. Within less than 60 seconds, you’re able to form a brand identity that can be conveyed to your viewers. How you choose to utilize your TV ads is up to you; you can solve your audience’s problem or simply focus on who you are and what you offer.

2. Web-based videos

The upsurge in the number of businesses offering services or products similar to yours is highly likely to have made competition fierce. Whether you’ve created an app or a high street brand, utilizing the World Wide Web is crucial for customer acquisition. Devise a video marketing strategy that showcases what you offer and start sharing it in places where your customers spend time online. This could be on social media platforms or placements on other sites.

3. Testimonial videos

Before making a purchase, customers tend to want to verify the authenticity of a company’s products or services. If you produce a video that demonstrates the positive experiences of past customers then it becomes easier for you to engage with potential customers.

Increasing customer engagement with video marketing

The number of social media sites has increased at a rapid pace and that has caused an outburst in traffic on these platforms. Whether your intention is to improve customer experience or engagement, social media can become your most effective tool. Whilst it’s no longer arduous for businesses to reach out to people from across the globe, this doesn’t guarantee overnight success.

You need to carefully select which platform and channels are suitable for your video strategy. Think about how your video will appeal to users on those platforms and how you can customize strategy for greater impact.

Get to know your audience better

The best approach when it comes to creating a video marketing strategy is to understand your audience better. This can be done by initiating conversations on your social media profile with those you want to engage with.

Prompt engagement with your followers

The foundation of social media is based upon collaboration and socialization but over the years, these platforms have turned into customer engagement machines. People from around the world are present on these platforms to share, recommend and collaborate in various ways.

Video content is a core part of social media and without it, such platforms wouldn’t survive. On Instagram alone, there are currently 1 billion active users and this number is surely expected to increase.

Use it for product demos or tutorials

Infographics are a popular choice for giving visual explanations but this concept is now deemed somewhat outdated. Infographics now exist in animated forms and this conveys how impactful video is.

Simplify your message with an explainer video

The use of animated explainer videos has been observed in various marketing tactics. The aim is to keep viewers entertained and also inform them about the value and benefits a certain product has.

Some ideas and concepts are too complicated to explain and so require visual content that helps to clarify your message – it’s also worth noting here that visual content is much more memorable

Launch your offerings in a product video

You could also consider creating a product video. This removes the need to present the information about your products in textual form when you can showcase them to your audience in a video.

In conclusion

The rise in competition has forced marketers to get more creative with their strategies and campaigns. As a result, we’ve found powerful marketing tactics that can be easily implemented. Effective video marketing is just one of these techniques that can help you to generate higher engagement levels and genuine customer connections.

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Nida Asad

Nida Asad is a business blogger and runs a personal blog that is solely related to graphic design. Currently doing her Masters in Marketing, she possesses a flair for branding and digital marketing.


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