9 Strategies for Building Brand Loyalty


Marketing Insights for ProfessionalsThe latest thought leadership for Marketing pros

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Brand loyalty is an effective way of encouraging customers to either keep making purchases from your company or advocate your services to others.

Article 3 Minutes
9 Strategies for Building Brand Loyalty

Building brand loyalty is a great way for businesses to get long-term value from their customers. Whether it's through multiple purchases or advocacy that generates more conversions, companies have a lot to gain from making people loyal to their business. But what's the best strategy to achieve this?

Here are nine ways to build brand loyalty:

1. Communicate with consumers

Social media is a fantastic tool for brands when it comes to creating relationships with potential and current customers. This ongoing and consistent communication channel with consumers is a great way to create loyalty. Twitter and Facebook are regularly used to voice concerns or complaints about brands. If you can resolve this problem, people are much more likely to come back to your company again and again.

2. Offer personalization not spam

People largely don't mind being contacted by companies if they 1) can choose to opt out of any marketing and 2) receive correspondence that is relevant to them. This doesn't just mean putting their name at the top of an email but can be offering personalized offers based on their past purchases or shopping basket items they've abandoned. You should also make it quick, easy and clear to stop contact.

3. Be authentic

One of the best ways to create loyalty among your customer base is to deliver on the promises you make, and be authentic in your approach. This will ensure that people know what they're getting from your company and have confidence in making a purchase. Customer service is a crucial part of this as one negative experience in which a problem was ignored or badly dealt with will sour any relationship.

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4. Act on feedback

If people, whether through social media or customer service, identify problems they've experienced with your brand, you need to make sure you're acting on their feedback. Where possible, it can make a big impact if you're able to send a customer details of how you've been able to respond to their concerns.

5. Understand your consumers

More than ever customers want to feel that brands value them as individuals and understand their concerns. Loyalty management software can be used to get better insight into how your target audience are behaving and evolve your strategy to their ever-changing needs.

6. Focus on value

Value can mean different things to different people; for some it's about getting the lowest price possible, while for others it's about ensuring their money is invested wisely. To establish loyalty, you need to understand what value means to your target audience and work to deliver it at every stage of the customer journey. This may mean providing insurance for your product or offering 24/7 support for consumers. However your consumer group views value, it's a waste of time to prioritize something before you know it's important to your audience.

7. Be serious about ethics

Consumers are far more concerned about the ethics and morals of brands they use than they used to be and it's a great way to create loyalty. Whether you prioritize the environment, ethical manufacturing, or social issues, showing customers that you are responsible in this manner will make them more positive about creating a long-term relationship with you.

8. Deliver consistent branding

Branding is a crucial part of how customers view you and how they feel about upcoming interactions. If you have consistent branding, combined with an authentic message, you will establish a relationship of trust with consumers, increasing the chances of customer retention.

9. Don't overlook web design

How your website looks, whether on mobile devices or a desktop, and behaves can have a big impact on whether people make multiple purchases. You need to understand the user journey and the motivations and pain points people experience as they progress through the sales funnel. This ensures that your web design is responsive to consumer demands and isn't causing a stumbling block in conversions.

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