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12 Ways to Measure Business Spend Management Success

2018 Spend Management Benchmark Report

This benchmark report provides 12 KPIs in four areas that you can use to monitor your company’s effectiveness in Spend Management, along with a Leaders Index. Drawing from these KPIs lets you compare your performance to that of the top performing companies in the world.

Report Snap Shot

  • Digitisation - How successful have you been in digitising supplier relationships?
  • Process Efficiency - How efficient are your processes for transactions spanning Procurement, Invoicing, and Expense Management?
  • Compliance - How effective have you been in driving compliance through Spend Management?
  • Savings - What is the bottom-line impact of your sourcing and procurement efforts?

Solution Categories

Accounts Payable Software

Accounts Payable Software

Accounts Payable Software refers to a digital solution that helps businesses manage and streamline t...

Accounting Software

Accounting Software

Accounting software refers to computer programs designed to streamline and automate various accounti...

Accounts Receivable Software

Accounts Receivable Software

Accounts Receivable Software refers to a type of computer program or application designed specifical...