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BARC: The Planning Survey 21

The Voice of the Planning Software User Community

The Planning Survey 21 is based on findings from the world’s largest and most comprehensive survey of planning software users, conducted from November 2020 to February 2021. In total, 1,422 people responded to the survey with 1,151 answering a series of detailed questions about their use of a named product. Altogether, 21 products (or groups of products) are analyzed in detail. The survey examines user feedback on planning product selection and usage across 29 criteria (KPIs) including Business Benefits, Project Success, Business Value, Recommendation, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Experience, Planning Functionality and Competitiveness.

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Download the Planning Survey 21 and see how OneStream compares with other software vendors. Read what customers have to say about their experience with OneStream.

Solution Categories

Accounts Payable Software

Accounts Payable Software

Accounts Payable Software refers to a digital solution that helps businesses manage and streamline t...

Accounting Software

Accounting Software

Accounting software refers to computer programs designed to streamline and automate various accounti...

Accounts Receivable Software

Accounts Receivable Software

Accounts Receivable Software refers to a type of computer program or application designed specifical...