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Tradex - The e-Invoicing upgrade you need to win in business

Are you drowning in paper or suffocating because of errors and re-work? Do you have low-tech OCR, barcodes or PDF readers and want to know what more you can do to realise even more benefit?

Are you pleased with an e-Invoicing hub solution but can't get your entire supplier community to adopt it? Tradex provides your go-to solution for electronic invoicing in the Construction sector.

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Download this whitepaper and learn what e-Invoicing and Straight Through Processing means for:

  • Your business
  • Your customers
  • Your suppliers.

Solution Categories

Recurring Billing Software

Recurring Billing Software

Recurring billing software refers to a specialized tool or platform that automates and manages the p...

Billing and Invoicing Software

Billing and Invoicing Software

Billing and invoicing software refers to a digital tool that streamlines and automates the process o...