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How Small Businesses Can Invoice & Collect More Efficiently

Sound billing and collections practices form the foundation of a company’s financial health.

When your system works and cash flows smoothly, you can easily cover expenses and seize growth opportunities. Inefficiencies can weaken cash flow, and slow or derail growth. However, many small businesses say they struggle to bill and collect payment on time. Why? To find out, DocuSign interviewed 500 growing businesses to find out what’s slowing down their payments, how going paperless is speeding them back up, and other valuable pointers, too. What’s holding you back from collecting efficiently? Read on to find out.

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Billing and collections slowdowns often result from clunky manual processes, according to a recent DocuSign survey*.

Solution Categories

Recurring Billing Software

Recurring Billing Software

Recurring billing software refers to a specialized tool or platform that automates and manages the p...

Billing and Invoicing Software

Billing and Invoicing Software

Billing and invoicing software refers to a digital tool that streamlines and automates the process o...