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Know Your Risk: The Learning Science Behind E&C Program Efficacy

In E&C training programs, efficacy doesn’t have to come at the expense of efficiency.

The evaluation of ethics and compliance training program efficacy and its impact on the organization’s risk profile should be based on long-term retention. Employees need to remember the tenets of their training in order to apply them in the real world. Evaluation shouldn’t be limited to training module completion rates and quiz scores.

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Learn how SAI360 Learning’s Know Your Risk framework is rooted in learning science to measure employee engagement and maximize training impact. Our Learning programs put your organization in a stronger position to provide evidence of program effectiveness to meet ethics and compliance guidelines set out by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).

Solution Categories

Financial Fraud Detection Software

Financial Fraud Detection Software

Financial fraud detection software refers to a specialized digital tool designed to identify and pre...