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FCA Operational Resilience: Leveraging Technology in Pursuit of Operational Resilience

Covid-19 serves as a reminder of the unpredictable events that institutions are required to navigate, exposing a lack of operational resiliency and business continuity planning across the sector.

As a result, in March 2021, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) put forward proposed changes to how firms approach their operational resilience in an attempt to mitigate the negative impacts of similar disruptions in the future. With the FCA putting an Operational Resilience Framework timeline in place, it is imperative that organizations are prepared, from identifying important business services and setting impact tolerances to scenario testing and developing internal and external communication plans.

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In this eBook, you will learn:

  • The FCA’s Operational Resilience Framework and timelines
  • What to consider when defining your operational resilience strategy
  • How to gain the competitive edge by leveraging technology

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Financial Fraud Detection Software

Financial Fraud Detection Software

Financial fraud detection software refers to a specialized digital tool designed to identify and pre...