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Closing the Skills Gap in Data Analytics

Big data isn’t just about improving services and efficiency levels. It also has applications in every aspect of the business model, from the value proposition to operations and activities.

As digital technologies continue to demand new skills and make old ones redundant, a shortage of analytics talent is becoming prevalent. Business must have the ability to analyze the data and understand how it impacts the organization. With the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants’ Closing the Skills Gap in Data Analytics, you'll learn when the use of data is expected, encouraged and required in finance; which skills are applied to ensure that insights gained are used to generate value; and the competencies a business needs to get value from Big Data.

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One of the most striking findings in PwC’s 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey is that the ‘information gap’ — the gap between the data CEOs need and what they actually get — is just as wide in 2019 as it was 10 years ago.