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Empowering the Virtual Accounting Function

Ground rules for building a resilient, collaborative, work-from-anywhere accounting organization

Almost overnight, the global pandemic completely disrupted the way Accounting and Finance works—and these changes will long outlast the pandemic. F&A organizations that innovate and focus on building a resilient, collaborative, work-from-anywhere accounting function will thrive on the other side of this. Download this guide for practical advice on how to adjust accounting operations to work smarter and with more flexibility in our current environment and beyond, with insights from BlackLine’s community of over 270,000 finance and accounting professionals.

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You will learn: 

  • New ways to empower a remote accounting team to close the books 
  • Strategies to mitigate cybersecurity risks while Accounting is working from home 
  • The best ways to manage an audit, virtually 
  • How to be a better business partner by shifting to Continuous accounting 
  • 10 practical tips to achieve an efficient and confident virtual close