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The State of ERP in 2022/23 [Infographic]

As with any solution, implementing a new system from scratch (or switching providers) can be time-consuming and costly if done incorrectly.

From supply chain, operations and manufacturing to commerce and HR, ERP software can bring together multiple functions in one unified location. As globalization continues on its upward trajectory, accelerating competition in the market for every industry, intelligent tools like ERP will be of greater importance in a post-pandemic world. This infographic highlights the current state of ERP and the challenges that business leaders are facing in 2022 and beyond.

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  • 55-75% of all ERP projects fail to meet their objectives – and one of the top causes is failure to embrace change
  • 44% of professionals report problems with data quality as their main challenge when implementing ERP software

For more insights, access the full report here.