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Report basware What’s Now and Next for Finance and Procurement?

What’s Now and Next for Finance and Procurement?

Automation, digitisation and the future of global trade

Technological innovation and economic buoyancy is challenging all businesses to adapt, and this pressure is felt more by the finance and procurement functions than any other. They must not only forecast their organisation’s own performance, but also predict how external conditions will evolve, to ensure resources are available to capture opportunities, maintain business as usual and withstand threats. This report, carried out by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Basware examines 3 macro trends Automation, Digitalisation, and The Changing Dynamics of International Trade, and identifies the impact these trends will have.

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Key findings include:

  • The biggest impact of automation will be on internal processes.
  • Headcount will be counterbalanced by increases in technology investment and digital initiatives.
  • Digitisation will reduce overall costs but also intensify competition for talent,

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