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Report Affinity Relationship Intelligence Report - European Unicorn Edition

Relationship Intelligence Report - European Unicorn Edition

A look at European unicorns, the firms investing in them, and the role of relationship intelligence in those deals.

The Relationship Intelligence Benchmark Report provides an inside look at over 390 European unicorns as well as a deep dive into the relationship intelligence and deal flow of the venture capital firms that invest in them. Learn how top venture capital firms are using their relationships to catch more unicorns.

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"Get to know your first potential investors, as they’ll be with you for the lifetime of your business. When the fit is good, they will be supportive, collaborative, and patient—all critical to your life as a founder.”


"Founders are building great companies everywhere around the world—and staying local. We’re going to see a growing number of decacorns emerge across Europe, which will spawn even more valuable companies as employees depart to found their own companies.”