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The 10 Transformation Technologies Forging our New World

Digitalisation is disrupting every business and every business model, what can it do for you?

Marc Andreessen, the legendary investor and founder of VC firm Andreessen Horowitz once said “Software is eating the world”. He meant that digitalisation was disrupting every business and every business model. The modern CTO (or CIO, or Head of Digital...) must stay on top of a wider range of disruptive technologies than ever before – and communicate their value meaningfully to the board; so that the need for continued digital investment can be met wisely. Download this whitepaper to learn the top ten areas for digital acceleration (according to TechTarget’s 2020 IT Priorities Survey) that enterprise must consider today.

Report Snap Shot

This report from Sage illustrates the ten up-and-coming digital transformation technologies including cloud services, hybrid, AI and RPA and digital process automation.

Solution Categories

Financial Management Software

Financial Management Software

Financial management software refers to a specialized tool or application designed to assist individ...