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Data Innovators in Finance, Tax, and Audit

Five stories of companies unleashing data innovation in the office of finance — and the benefits they enjoyed as a result.

Business leaders rely on your team to guide their decisions. But your hands have been tied when it comes to improving the processes you use for projections, tax compliance, and audit sampling. Far too often, you’ve had to rely on legacy tools and processes that weren’t designed to handle today’s advanced analytical needs. In this guide, you’ll read inspiring stories from auditors, controllers, business leaders, and tax professionals who are innovating with advanced analytics to transform the ways they work.

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In this guide, you'll learn how to:

  • Eliminate hours of data wrangling each month through automated workflows
  • Focus your energy on value-added analysis
  • Empower the right people to access the right data at the right time
  • Tackle risk proactively with deeper insights

Solution Categories

Financial Management Software

Financial Management Software

Financial management software refers to a specialized tool or application designed to assist individ...