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Disruption is fine – it’s trends we should be scared of!

Understanding change in an increasingly unpredictable world

COVID has taught us that we live and run our businesses in an increasingly unpredictable world. That’s a challenge, because humans – including senior managers - are exceptionally bad at understanding change. But failing to understand the frequency of disruptions is not the biggest elephant in the room. More importantly (and again, it’s pure human nature), we’re very good at handling immediate fight-or-flight emergencies, but much less capable of spotting and acting on more gradual – but equally seismic - change. Download this whitepaper to learn about six themes to keep on your strategic radar that will allow you to keep your operations resilient, agile and capable of embracing change.

Report Snap Shot

This report from Sage includes six key examples of change affecting the workplace in 2021 including geopolitical change, technological change and financial change.

Solution Categories

Financial Management Software

Financial Management Software

Financial management software refers to a specialized tool or application designed to assist individ...