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Environmental, Social & Governance Reporting (ESG)

There is now a clear driver for organisations to develop robust sustainability and ESG strategies with transparent reporting to stakeholders. Global institutional and retail investment is surging into assets tied to ESG principles and the focus on the quality of ESG disclosures is only increasing. In this solution brief, discover how OneStream conquers complexity in the ESG Reporting process by delivering it through a unified Intelligent Finance platform supporting financial consolidation, financial, statutory, and management reporting, planning, forecasting and analysis.

Report Snap Shot

  • 59% of organizations have launched or announced a new mission, vision or purpose in the last 18 months due to ESG considerations
  • 78% of organizations have completed a detailed analysis regarding financial risk and opportunities related to ESG performance
  • 22% of finance leaders agree they have clear, reliable data to underpin each ESG Key Performance Indicator

Solution Categories

Financial Management Software

Financial Management Software

Financial management software refers to a specialized tool or application designed to assist individ...