Onward and upward: Great retention in the face of recession
Great retention in the face of recessionHow are finance and human resources teams partnering to handle the delicate balance of improving talent density while keeping a careful eye on expenses? In today's world, finance teams are constantly under pressure to drive growth and business value. They need help to be more nimble, more agile, and more effective in their day-to-day operations. At the same time, finance teams need to stay up to date with the latest trends and challenges impacting the business environment. Onward and Upward brings together thought leaders, practitioners, and other subject matter experts to discuss hot topics impacting finance teams and their efforts in driving growth and business value. Join host Kevin Driscoll for a 15-minute conversation with guests Eric Maloni, Delivery Director of Enterprise Planning at Spaulding Ridge, and Rupert Bader, VP of Human Capital Planning at Anaplan.
- how you can foster collaboration between finance and HR to optimize business talent needs while containing spend in a recessionary environment.
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Financial Management Software
Financial management software refers to a specialized tool or application designed to assist individ...