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The Business Case for Managing End User Computing

Spreadsheets and other forms of End User Computing (EUC) applications occupy the grey zone of enterprise technology

This whitepaper discusses why spreadsheets and End User Computing (EUC) applications exist in modern businesses, exploring the issues of risk, reputation and cost overheads. It will help you to evaluate the returns to be gained by using solutions to help you manage your spreadsheet and EUC estate.

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Six factors to consider in assessing the ROI for managing EUC:

  • Business agility provided by EUC
  • Reduction of financial and reputational risks attached to using EUC
  • Achievement of regulatory compliance requirements
  • Improvement of data quality
  • Improved efficiency of EUC usage
  • Improvements resulting from wider corporate knowledge of EUC assets.

Solution Categories

Financial Risk Management Software

Financial Risk Management Software

Financial risk management software refers to a specialized tool or application used by businesses to...