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The next 100 days – the COO’s return to BAU

What strategies should you seek to embed in the next 100 days?

COVID continues to create plenty of uncertainty for businesses, but smart companies are coming out of panic mode and thinking about the future. A different future, certainly, but one which can be planned for. The COO has always been responsible for efficient, scalable and smooth operations but COVID has uprooted that efficiency, smoothness and predictability. Download this whitepaper to learn about how the role of a COO is evolving and the new aspects of the role which must come to the fore, to ensure your organisation's success.

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This report from Sage includes:

  • How you can recognise the forever changes
  • Establish a culture of operational resilience
  • Get one step ahead of new customer expectations

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Financial Management Software

Financial Management Software

Financial management software refers to a specialized tool or application designed to assist individ...