Write for Us
We’re always on the lookout for insightful thought leadership. This means we’ll happily showcase relevant articles contributed by our community members.
The best posts are featured in our email newsletters, which are sent to thousands of senior professionals each week.
If you’ve got an article you’d like us to feature, regarding HR, IT, Marketing, or any other business subject, we’d love to hear from you.
We ask that content be well researched and all sources are referenced to ensure quality. We ask that all content submitted be an original article (i.e. written by you), and isn’t published elsewhere (LinkedIn, Medium etc.).
Also, please don’t explicitly pitch your product or service, we’re here to share useful thought leadership insights with our communities.
How to contribute articles:
Please send your ideas and questions to contribute@insightsforprofessionals.com and our editorial team will come back to you ASAP. Please also include the URL for your site as part of the enquiry.
Once a title has been agreed, send us your article with your author bio and headshot included.
Our team will review each piece and come back with relevant feedback, then confirm a publication date of the post. Like most publications, we reserve the right to edit submissions for spelling, grammar, length, style and tone – but we keep tweaks to a minimum.