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4 Reasons Why Employee Recognition Is Vital for Retention

To understand the state of human connection at work, Workhuman® iQ surveyed 2,268 full-time workers across the US, Canada & Ireland.

The resulting findings show how HR and business leaders can impact organisational policies and practices – including employee recognition – to drive a magnetic, human-centred work culture where people want to work. And stay. Strengthening company culture, reducing burnout and creating a psychologically safe environment. Read the full paper for four reasons why employee recognition is vital to your retention strategy.

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"The best places to work provide people with life satisfaction, as opposed to job satisfaction alone."

- MICHAEL O’MALLEY, PH.D. Principal, SullivanCotter

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Corporate Wellness Software

Corporate Wellness Software

Corporate wellness software refers to a specialized digital solution designed to enhance the well-be...