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Document Management - an Alternative to HRIS

How can an electronic document management and workflow solution cover some HRIS functionalities?

The HR role faces a legal, economic and situational backdrop that requires it to be reactive, proactive and flexible. Digital transformation of the HR role has enabled HRD's to free themselves from administrative, arduous and time-consuming tasks. In the face of such a diverse array of digital solutions to address their many business processes and related document flows, HRDs must adopt the tools and functionalities that enable them to meet their many challenges.

Report Snap Shot

  • The evolution of content management solutions
  • The major challenges faced by HRDs
  • EDM to complement or as an alternative to HRIS

Solution Categories

Human Resources Software

Human Resources Software

Human Resources Software refers to a digital tool or program designed to streamline and automate var...

Employee Monitoring Software

Employee Monitoring Software

Employee monitoring software refers to a digital tool or system designed to track and record various...