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Drive Results in your HR Shared Service Center

Once you’ve made the decision to move to a shared services model, you’ll want to have the technology in place to ensure it’s a success.

That’s where an HR Service Delivery platform comes in. It makes it easier for HR to help their staff and for employees to help themselves—boosting satisfaction for everyone. Learn how HR can meet today's rising employee expectations by breaking free from the "one-size-fits-all" approach in this eBook.

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Platform requirements to look for:

  • Contextualized knowledgebase
  • 24/7 access from any device
  • HRIS integration, ensuring personalized content based on employee attributes, such as role and geography
  • Automatic content updates when changes are made in the HRIS
  • Advanced search capabilities making it easy to find information
  • Ability to promote specific content to employees
  • Display related articles and forms within an article