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The Complete Guide to Onboarding Freelancers Compliantly

How to Onboard Your Freelancers Successfully

The same rigour should apply to freelancers as it does to employees to ensure an important part in the hiring process isn’t omitted – such as adhering to compliance considerations: GDPR and IR35. Ensuring that you’re adhering to internal procedures and the law will help to avoid tricky situations when working with freelancers. Read this report for a deeper understanding of how to onboard your freelancers in a compliant manner.

Report Snap Shot

  • A checklist of key aspects to cover when onboarding freelancers
  • Compliance considerations: agreements, IR35 & GDPR


Solution Categories

Human Resources Software

Human Resources Software

Human Resources Software refers to a digital tool or program designed to streamline and automate var...

Employee Monitoring Software

Employee Monitoring Software

Employee monitoring software refers to a digital tool or system designed to track and record various...