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How to Compete for Talent in a Full-Employment Job Market

With the US at full-employment, the demand for great talent is at an all-time high—amplifying the challenges of recruiting.

Workers are in high demand and while this is great news for jobseekers, it’s a nightmare for employers who are struggling to attract and retail talent. Making matters worse, more young people are entering the workforce lacking the advanced skills employers require. Download this whitepaper and discover how to stay ahead of the game and win top talent in a full-employment market!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Full employment shifts hiring leverage from employers to workers, making retention the fastest route to staffing success
  • Comprehensive learning and development is essential to keep employees engaged and productive from day one
  • Proven development programs tap eLearning technology to empower the modern worker
  • On-demand learning, delivered in “bitesized” increments by a learning management system (LMS), is an innovative way to deliver corporate training