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How to Implement an Effective M&A Communication Plan

McKinsey research shows that 10 percent of all large mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are canceled. That’s around 45 failed deals each year.

This guide focuses on an aspect of the merger and acquisition process that can help solve all of the problems listed above: communication. Today’s merger and acquisition teams have the ability to leverage employee experience technology to communicate with the workforce and increase the chance of success.

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This guide includes:

  • 3 Communication Tactics for Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Streamlining the M&A Process with Employee Experience (EX) Tech
  • M&A Case Study: Two International Food Delivery Companies

Solution Categories

Internal Communications Software

Internal Communications Software

Internal Communications Software refers to a digital solution that enables organizations to streamli...

Employee Communication Tools

Employee Communication Tools

Employee communication tools refer to digital platforms or software that facilitate effective and st...

Intranet Software

Intranet Software

Intranet software refers to a digital solution that enables organizations to create a secure and pri...