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Report Magnit Unlocking the Power of the  Extended Workforce

Unlocking the Power of the Extended Workforce

Five Leading Practices

Amidst ongoing economic uncertainty and an evolving workforce landscape, businesses are pouring resources into effectively managing current and future employees, yet finding the right talent at the right price while reducing turnover remains challenging. As a result, organisations are turning to contingent workforce programs to increase flexibility and fill business-critical gaps quickly, but many lack a defined strategy for expanding and managing the extended workforce. In this Josh Bersin Company white paper, “Unlocking the Power of the Extended Workforce: 5 Leading Practices,” you’ll learn about the shifting state of the contingent workforce and how you can successfully integrate it into your organisation to maximise impact, including: Streamlining contingency program ownership Monitoring the latest talent market trends Elevating the employee worker experience Investing in comprehensive compliance services Harnessing pertinent metrics that make a difference

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  • The Evolving Workforce 
  • Adoption of the Extended Workforce: A Key to Success 
  • Leading Practices for Managing the Extended Workforce 
  • ServiceNow Uses a Centralized Contingent Workforce Program as a Lever for Talent Acquisition

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Human Resources Software

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Human Resources Software refers to a digital tool or program designed to streamline and automate var...

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Employee Monitoring Software

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