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  • Legion Leverages Future-of-Work Technology to Empower Hourly Workforces

Legion Leverages Future-of-Work Technology to Empower Hourly Workforces

Automate increasingly complex recurring tasks to drive an increase in employee satisfaction.

Read the new analyst report by 3Sixty Insights to learn how Legion’s AI-powered workforce management platform uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to solve challenging problems such as demand forecasting, compliance, budget control, and workforce sharing.

Report Snap Shot

In this report you’ll learn:

  • The positive impact AI-powered WFM can have on the employee experience and customer satisfaction
  • Why WFM has become mission critical for employers of hourly workers
  • How AI and automation enable effective workforce sharing across location
  • Why AI-powered WFM is the bridge between an organization’s finance, operations, and HR departments
  • How WFM will help you improve planning, execution, and the employee experience