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Workplace Evolution in the Age of Digital Transformation

Key trends and developments in Europe with regard to flexible working, leadership, performance management, and the role of the HR department...

Digital transformation is changing the way organisations operate. At the same time, it is transforming employee work processes across Europe. These fundamental changes are posing tremendous challenges to human resource management as employees demand flexible and collaborative workplaces with consumer-grade technologies, while HR processes are becoming digital and self-service. As a result, HR and line management must agree on a new charter for the HR function.

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In a research study sponsored by Cornerstone OnDemand, IDC interviewed 1,352 HR professionals and business managers across 16 European countries. The study highlights the trends and developments with respect to flexible working, leadership, performance management, and the status of the HR department within the organisation.

In this country excerpt, we will share our key findings from the study, specific results from the UK, and comparisons with the rest of Europe. IDC will also highlight the implications of these findings for UK-based organisations.