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Report 360Learning Collaborative Learning

Collaborative Learning

What is Collaborative Learning and Why Your Business Needs It

Companies are scrambling to find talent, train employees, and share crucial knowledge to help teams grow, due to the rapid pace of technology creating new jobs and making others redundant every few years. Despite investing heavily in training their team to stay ahead, companies relying on a 20th century corporate training framework will not survive the 21st century pace of business, so Collaborative Learning is becoming increasingly more paramount. Unlike individual learning, people engaged in collaborative learning capitalise on one another's resources and skills.

Report Snap Shot

  • Corporate Training vs. Collaborative Learning
  • What is Collaborative Learning?
  • How thriving companies are doing Collaborative Learning today
  • 5 Ways Collaborative Learning Drive Growth
  • And More!

Solution Categories

Training Software

Training Software

Training software refers to a computer-based program or application designed to assist in the delive...

eLearning Authoring Tools

eLearning Authoring Tools

eLearning authoring tools are software applications or platforms that enable the creation and develo...

Mobile Learning Software

Mobile Learning Software

Mobile learning software refers to digital applications or platforms that enable individuals to acce...

Microlearning Software

Microlearning Software

Microlearning software refers to online platforms or tools that are specifically designed to deliver...