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From Compliance to Engagement

How do you transform a healthcare organisation accustomed to equating education with compliance training, into one with a vibrant learning culture?

James Quealy, Epworth HealthCare’s Group eLearning Manager was faced with the momentous challenge of updating Epworth’s learning platform to cater to the training needs of the 2,050 doctors and specialists, 5,220 clinical and support workers and 3,000 students working for the state of Victoria’s largest not-for-profit private healthcare group. In this case study discover how James Quealy implemented a next generation learning experience platform and transformed Epworth into a full-fledged learning organisation!

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  • Transforming learning from a compliance focus to a learning culture
  • Changing work practices to become more digitally literate
  • The need for greater learner engagement

Solution Categories

Training Software

Training Software

Training software refers to a computer-based program or application designed to assist in the delive...

eLearning Authoring Tools

eLearning Authoring Tools

eLearning authoring tools are software applications or platforms that enable the creation and develo...

Mobile Learning Software

Mobile Learning Software

Mobile learning software refers to digital applications or platforms that enable individuals to acce...