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  • How will Learning and Development Evolve as We Return to Work?

How will Learning and Development Evolve as We Return to Work?

Key Takeaways for Learning Professionals

Digital Learning is the way forward, and the pandemic has only expedited its growth. Which is why it is imperative that companies evolve with their employees’ needs for learning and development. And although L&D experts have seen a recent uptick in self-motivated learning, digital platforms and intranets need to grow in order to meet these demands. Read this paper to learn more about the future of digital learning.

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Extraordinary events like pandemics will inevitably take us by surprise. How can HR leaders prepare their organisations for complete unknowns, from a learning and development perspective?

Solution Categories

Training Software

Training Software

Training software refers to a computer-based program or application designed to assist in the delive...

eLearning Authoring Tools

eLearning Authoring Tools

eLearning authoring tools are software applications or platforms that enable the creation and develo...

Mobile Learning Software

Mobile Learning Software

Mobile learning software refers to digital applications or platforms that enable individuals to acce...