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  • The Future of L&D in a Post-Pandemic World
Report ICS Learn- The Future of L&D in a Post-Pandemic World

The Future of L&D in a Post-Pandemic World

The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed so many aspects of people’s lives. How, when, and why they learn new skills is no exception.

Many companies have been overwhelmed trying to manage the impact of the pandemic, and some have been tempted to suspend learning and development. However, many people are keener than ever to expand their skill sets as they look to boost their employability and devote their new-found spare time. Read this whitepaper to learn more about why you should resist temptation to put learning and development on hold and instead create a new L&D strategy which adopts digital learning; Setting you up for the future in a post-pandemic world.

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The vast majority (95%) of senior HR and L&D professionals said their organisations were interested in using online learning for L&D.

Solution Categories

Training Software

Training Software

Training software refers to a computer-based program or application designed to assist in the delive...

eLearning Authoring Tools

eLearning Authoring Tools

eLearning authoring tools are software applications or platforms that enable the creation and develo...

Mobile Learning Software

Mobile Learning Software

Mobile learning software refers to digital applications or platforms that enable individuals to acce...