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Report Lattice HR’s Guide to Compensation Transparency

HR’s Guide to Compensation Transparency

How the volume is being turned up on demands for pay transparency

It’s time to break the money talk taboo. Across the globe, new laws are requiring companies to implement and report on their pay transparency, pushing leaders into uncharted territory. While this shift may seem daunting, it’s actually a huge boon for businesses. Research shows that compensation transparency is critical to retaining top employees — and driving powerful business results. In this ebook, we’ll share actionable steps to help you build a pay transparency plan that works for your organization. You’ll learn how to: Design structured compensation processes Create a communication plan that helps employees attach meaning to pay Leverage quantitative data and metrics to guide policy and process Increase clarity and visibility with total rewards statements Ready to put pay transparency in practice? Download the ebook today.

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  • Defining Transparency 
  • Implementing Pay Transparency Successfully 
  • Build a communication plan that helps employees attach meaning to pay 
  • Leverage quantitative data and metrics to guide policy and process 
  • Increase clarity and visibility with total rewards statements

Solution Categories

Compensation Management Software

Compensation Management Software

Compensation management software refers to a digital solution designed to streamline and automate th...

Commission Software

Commission Software

Commission software refers to a digital tool or platform designed to facilitate the management and c...