State of Pay Equity 2023
Visier Insights ReportMarch 14, 2023 is U.S. Equal Pay Day, a shifting date, symbolic of how many extra days into the new year women must work to equal the pay earned by men—this year that number is 73. From 2017 to 2021, Visier’s data comprising over 15 million employee records, revealed incremental progress towards pay equity culminating in a historic high of women earning $0.85 to the dollar on average compared to their male counterparts. However, updated data from 2022 in this report shows the first ever decline in pay equity progress since we began tracking in 2017.
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Uncover the pay equity progress sees concerning reversal in 2022:
- The woman-to-man pay gap slipped from $0.85 to $0.84 on the dollar.
- Pay for women in management also fell by one cent from $0.90 to $0.89.
- Organizations must prioritize pay parity in 2023 to reach the 2030 equity goal. Otherwise, the goal can't be reached until 2036.
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