4 Best Practices for Effective Hiring


Samantha Rupp Contributing Editor for 365BusinessTips.com

04 February 2020

Hiring the right person for the right job can be difficult at times. There’s no roadmap that tells you how things will turn out and sometimes using your best judgement is all you’ve got! Therefore, learning a few tips and tricks on how to be more effective can help take the stress out of hiring.

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4 Best Practices for Effective Hiring

1. Visualize your candidate

Start by deciding what you want in a candidate. Make a list of necessary skills your new employee will need in order to perform the job duties as well as a list of preferred skills you’d like your new hire to have.

Starting with a well-defined list of skills will save you time and make it easier for you to weed out candidates simply based on whether their experience matches your needs.

Next, use your company’s mission statement to help define what values you’d like your ideal candidate to hold. Is philanthropy important to your company? Or maybe political activeness? Look at your current employees and decide what qualities they share that makes them great. Are they self-starters? Are they compassionate? Competitive?

Shape the job description around these values and qualities. A quality job description that lists soft skills as well as hard skills further eliminates candidates that simply don’t share the same values as your company by deterring them from applying.

2. Advertise in the right places

Choose the right places to advertise your job listing by first utilizing your team to help you. Chances are, your employees know great candidates. If you trust your employees enough to make a recommendation, let them recommend someone for you to interview. Employee referrals give you the opportunity to interview someone known to you through an extended network and can save you time before riffling through a stack of resumes.

Next, depending on the size of the business, decide where the best online resource is for you to post your job listing. Does your business have a well-established online presence? Consider posting the job on free job boards such as Indeed and LinkedIn, your company careers page, and your social media sites. Advertising in the right places can help you to hire a candidate better suited for the role and for your company and can greatly cut down on the time and cost.

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3. Interview confidently

Interviewing can be somewhat stressful as you have a small amount of time to get to know a candidate. Combat the stress of interviewing by coming to the interview well-prepared. Look over each candidates’ resume and look at any social sites they have listed to ensure their experience is the same across each platform.

Perform any necessary background checks to learn about a candidate’s criminal history and to immediately eliminate candidates with false credentials. This will save you time before interviewing someone who has lied on their resume or someone who has previous convictions.

Taking the time to thoroughly vet candidates beforehand allows for you to have a smooth interview with no surprises. It also helps you to be able to better get to know the candidate by already having some knowledge of their background. This will save you time when it comes to figuring out if they’re the right fit for your company.

4. Onboard effectively

After you’ve successfully written and posted your job description, researched and interviewed your candidates, and hired the perfect person for the job, you’ll need to train and onboard them. Having a well-established onboarding program in place will greatly cut down on the time it takes for your new employee to adapt to their role.

Of course there will be things about your new employee’s position that will take time for them to master, however, if you’ve followed the first 3 steps and hired a capable candidate, this should go smoothly. Take the time to develop this resource and refine it after each new hire is onboarded to keep your training program up-to-date and effective.

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Samantha Rupp

Samantha Rupp holds a BS in Business Administration and is a contributing editor for 365BusinessTips.com as well as a marketing expert for Layla Sleep. She runs a personal blog, Mixed Bits Media. She lives in San Diego, California and enjoys traveling, spending time on the beach and reading up on business industry trends


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