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The Future of UK Recruitment in a Post-COVID Era

In this report, we’ll look into these challenges, using data from October’s 2020 study of 100 HR and recruitment professionals, and uncover what the future of recruitment looks like in the wake of COVID-19 and Brexit.

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This report looks at:

  • How COVID-19 has affected hiring
  • The impact of Brexit on recruitment
  • The future impact of COVID-19 and Brexit in the UK recruitment industry

Solution Categories

Recruiting Software

Recruiting Software

Recruiting software refers to a digital solution designed to streamline and automate the recruitment...

Applicant Tracking Software

Applicant Tracking Software

Applicant Tracking Software refers to a specialized software tool designed to streamline and automat...

Job Board Software

Job Board Software

Job board software refers to a digital platform or application that enables companies and recruiters...