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Predicting Potential: Assessing Cognitive Ability in Recruitment

Employees with strong cognitive ability are a competitive advantage to an organisation.

People who score well on cognitive ability tests are more likely to develop a greater knowledge of the job more quickly, make effective decisions and successfully reason and strategize to solve problems. Therefore, assessing for cognitive potential is extremely beneficial. But focusing exclusively on it, however, would be a major mistake…

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Download this guide to learn about:

  • How to assess cognitive potential
  • Getting the cognitive mix right
  • 3 ways cognitive assessment can benefit your organisation

Solution Categories

Recruiting Software

Recruiting Software

Recruiting software refers to a digital solution designed to streamline and automate the recruitment...

Applicant Tracking Software

Applicant Tracking Software

Applicant Tracking Software refers to a specialized software tool designed to streamline and automat...

Job Board Software

Job Board Software

Job board software refers to a digital platform or application that enables companies and recruiters...