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The Beginner’s Guide to Background Checks

Background checks are complicated, highly regulated, and come with big consequences.

Even minor mistakes can cause big problems like missed talent opportunities, unhappy candidates, and increased legal risk. Nothing slows down — or even stops — the recruiting process like a bad background check.

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With the Beginner's Guide to Background Checks, you'll learn:

  • What searches are included in a background check
  • How to stay compliant with the FCRA and EEOC
  • What questions to consider as you implement background checks

Solution Categories

Recruiting Software

Recruiting Software

Recruiting software refers to a digital solution designed to streamline and automate the recruitment...

Applicant Tracking Software

Applicant Tracking Software

Applicant Tracking Software refers to a specialized software tool designed to streamline and automat...

Job Board Software

Job Board Software

Job board software refers to a digital platform or application that enables companies and recruiters...