Hiring World-Class Talent Requires a Seamless Video Interview


HR Insights for ProfessionalsThe latest thought leadership for HR pros

Thursday, January 7, 2021

As companies do their bit to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by transitioning from in-person interviews to video interviews, what steps can you take to deliver a seamless virtual hiring process?

Article 4 Minutes
Hiring World-Class Talent Requires a Seamless Video Interview

Typically a face-to-face interview is the last step of the hiring process, but as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, this all changed.

In-person interactions became limited and the need for virtual hiring was accelerated exponentially, making video interviews a necessary and popular alternative to meeting in person.

With virtual recruitment here to stay, organizations must embrace this trend if they hope to continue finding and hiring the top talent. This means quickly learning how to conduct virtual interviews and ensuring you've got the right video interview software in place. After all, talented candidates have certain expectations for the hiring process and clumsy video interviews just won't cut it.

The benefits of video interviews for finding world-class talent

Throughout the pandemic, it was often necessary to interview candidates virtually to reduce the spread of COVID-19. And while some organizations were initially skeptical about shifting to remote working practices, many have embraced it and have seen an uptick in performance. In fact, virtual hiring has several great benefits to organizations.

  1. Cutting time per hire - Video calls means you can reduce the time spent on each interview and you can conduct these from your location without the candidate or recruiter having to travel. It also cuts out a lot of the greeting time and small talk, which means you can interview more candidates in a shorter space of time, reducing the time per hire
  2. Cutting cost per hire - Reducing the time it takes to conduct an interview, as well as the time it takes to fill a role, will also help cut the costs of making each hire
  3. Hiring remotely - Video interviews mean you're no longer bound by location or time zones. This can open you up to a much larger and more diverse talent pool
  4. Offering a better candidate experience - Candidates don't have to travel for the interview and will likely get a much quicker response from the recruiter. The ability to interview and evaluate candidates remotely is beneficial for both parties and can offer a better candidate experience. This is something that's important to talented professionals on the job hunt.

Why it's vital to get the virtual hiring process right

If you plan to make video interviews an integral part of your hiring strategy, you must get a seamless and effective system in place. If not, you risk looking unprofessional and this could cost you the candidate, particularly if these are top-quality candidates who expect a lot more from your organization.

What's more, this could also damage your employer branding should the candidate choose to share their poor experience with others online.

Tips for conducting a seamless video interview

If you're looking to secure some world-class talent, there are several simple steps you should take. Some of these might seem fairly basic, but you'd be surprised how many people get them wrong, especially if you're still adjusting to virtual hiring processes:

1. Get a clear process in place

Make sure you've set out a step-by-step process for the video interview and that every member of the team is aware of this. This also goes for the candidate. You should make sure they're aware of what format the interview will take.

2. Make sure your technology works

In order to avoid any embarrassing glitches, it's a good idea to test all your equipment before the interview. And to ensure things go smoothly, it's also useful to request that the candidate does the same.

3. Ensure the candidate is well-informed

Before you start, it's a nice idea to update the candidate on who’ll be on the call and what they should expect. This way, they'll feel more comfortable, which can positively contribute to their experience during the hiring process.

4. Choose ideal location

Be sure to choose a quiet location that’s free from distractions. This is particularly important if you're working from home. For example, make sure there are no TVs on in the background, no garish artwork on the wall, and no pets walking about.

5. Remember classic interview techniques

It might be a video interview, but the rules still apply. As such, it's important to prepare a company culture pitch and it can also be helpful to write down a set of standardized interview questions to keep you on track, as you might for a traditional interview.

6. Stay professional

It's vital that you remain professional at all times. Video interviews can feel different, especially when you're still getting used to them. But it's crucial you dress and behave professionally at all times, even if you're sitting at home calling from your dining table.

7. Follow up after the call

As with any interview, it's important to follow up after your video interview by dropping the candidate a phone call or email to let them know how they got on and what the next steps are.

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