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Report Ceridian

2021-2022 Executive Survey

Winning the new war for talent.

When the pandemic hit and brought mass job losses, it seemed like it might spell the end of the war for talent. Throughout 2020 and 2021, most countries experienced an employer’s market, but this is quickly shifting and the war for talent is heating up. Many high performers who held onto their jobs through the crisis may be tempted to look for new roles, leading to what LinkedIn is calling a “great resignation.”

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Read this paper to explore why a strong and consistent employee experience is more critical today than it has ever been.

We will also examine how organizations are leveraging technology to:

  • Attract, engage, and retain their people.
  • How they are measuring employee experience success.
  • Where there is room for improvement.


Solution Categories

Benefits Administration Software

Benefits Administration Software

Benefits administration software refers to a digital tool or platform designed to simplify and strea...

Employee Advocacy Software

Employee Advocacy Software

Employee advocacy software refers to a specialized tool or platform that enables organizations to le...