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The New Hourly Workforce Paradigm: Frictionless Engagement

If you’re involved in the recruiting and hiring of hourly workers, you know: Gone are the days of “if you post a job, they will apply.”

Organizations that hire hourly workers face unprecedented challenges in the wake of the pandemic and new worker demands. When COVID-19 was at its peak, employers across the country temporarily shut down or reduced their staff because lockdowns and social distancing meant few, if any, customers were coming through their doors. But as people have gotten back to their normal routines over the past few months, employers have been trying to ramp up their hiring to meet this revitalized consumer demand.

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The big question many employers are asking is, what’s the solution? How in the world do you increase applicant flow when you’re fighting a losing battle? 

In this guide, learn why the answer is frictionless engagement.