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Report Totaljobs Talent Migration

Talent Migration: Unlocking New Talent Pools in UK Hospitality

In 2023, almost 10 hospitality businesses closed every day. But with a jam-packed sport and cultural calendar, and a whopping 75% of Brits planning a staycation this year, the next few months are a crucial time for the sector. This is welcome news to an industry in need, and to really capitalise on this surge in demand, businesses nationwide are looking to expand their teams. In this report, discover how to turn that interest into real hires, and how to make sure those short-term hires stick around for the long haul. Download and read this report to learn more about how to navigate talent migration trends.

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With 2 in 3 hospitality employers looking for advice on how to go about it, Totaljobs are here to help.

From what is appealing to those considering a move, to what you should include in your job ad, read on to find insights and practical steps you can take to unlock new talent pools across the whole of the UK.