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Report Employment Hero The Return to Work Guide

The Return to Work Guide

Your comprehensive guide for creating a COVID-safe workplace

With a return to work fast approaching, now is the perfect time to plan your workforce’s return to work. With clear guidelines and policies in place, your staff will feel more supported and confident in being back in the office. We know how stressful managing the logistics of this can be so we’ve leveraged advice from across the business to put together this comprehensive return to work bundle pack. We’ve ensured that the bundle includes the most recent Australian Federal and State advice as well as Work Safe Australia best practices.

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  • WHS for COVID-19 return to work
  • How to handle a COVID-19 incident in the workplace
  • Workforce planning and logistics
  • Rapid hiring and onboarding
  • Managing employee engagement
  • Advice for each state and territory
  • Return to work survey template
  • Welcome back letter template
  • Public transport policy
  • Workplace hygiene policy
  • And much more!

Solution Categories

Workforce Management Software

Workforce Management Software

Workforce Management Software refers to a digital solution designed to streamline and automate vario...

Employee Scheduling Software

Employee Scheduling Software

Employee scheduling software refers to a digital tool used by businesses to efficiently manage and a...