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Uncover the Industry’s Best Kept Secret to Learner Engagement

Discover the secrets to great learner engagement and learn how to evaluate your learning experience for ultimate ROI

In the last 20 years Learning Management Systems have developed at great speed. They have become more feature rich, integrating with numerous content providers and offer greater capability. But one of the most important aspects of an LMS is often overlooked, the learner experience. If you have an LMS with poor learner experience it doesn’t matter how many features or integrations the platform has, engagement levels will be low and return on investment limited.

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98% of managers cite “ease of use” as the main factor in selecting enterprise applications

71% of publishers say well-formed mobile content boosts engagement

48% of users say they feel frustrated and annoyed when on sites that are poorly optimised

Solution Categories

Employee Engagement Software

Employee Engagement Software

Employee engagement software refers to a specialized tool or platform designed to enhance employee s...