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Data, BI & Analytics Trend Monitor 2021

There’s no better way to gain a holistic understanding on Data, BI, and Analytics trends that are shaping the market than to read this BARC Research Study.

It details the important topics and technologies companies currently rely on—and gives context as to where the markets will go. Thousands of analytics business users, IT experts, consultants, and vendors participated in this survey. Their answers provide a comprehensive understanding of the market and offer unique insights into this rapidly evolving field.

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Topics include:

  • Establishing a Data-Driven Culture
  • Data Governance
  • Agile BI Development
  • Real-Time Analytics
  • Mobile BI, and more

Solution Categories

Mobile Analytics Software

Mobile Analytics Software

Mobile analytics software is a tool or platform designed to collect, analyze, and interpret data rel...

Embedded Analytics Software

Embedded Analytics Software

Embedded analytics software refers to a powerful tool that integrates analytics capabilities directl...