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Flatten the COVID-19 Curve, While Feeding the Nation

Things are beginning to look up: Stores around the country are beginning to re-open and ramp-up daily trade.

Opening hours are extending, and shelves are regularly stocked as we seek to restore a sense of normality amidst uncertainty. It is not completely ‘business as normal’ yet, however. Retail businesses must still seek to enforce necessary physical distancing controls to help flatten the curve, whilst providing a seamless shopping experience. Even if your organisation hasn’t reopened yet, it is still important to begin planning your return-to-market strategy for maintaining business whilst ensuring safe physical distancing measures are in place.

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Read this guide to understand how Maintel's solution can simplify returning to market for your retail business. 

Solution Categories

Mobile Analytics Software

Mobile Analytics Software

Mobile analytics software is a tool or platform designed to collect, analyze, and interpret data rel...

Embedded Analytics Software

Embedded Analytics Software

Embedded analytics software refers to a powerful tool that integrates analytics capabilities directl...